How Blackout Drinking Uniquely Affects Veterans

How Blackout Drinking Uniquely Affects Veterans

Dealing with military-related trauma, whether it’s PTSD, combat trauma, or sexual trauma, may be too much to handle on your own. Often, veterans feel that they have to rely on alcohol to cope with the invisible wounds of war. And among veterans, unhealthy habits, like...
Being Sober After the Military: Sober Life After Service

Being Sober After the Military: Sober Life After Service

After military service, many individuals find themselves with invisible wounds of war and few healthy coping mechanisms. So instead, they often turn to alcohol or prescription medications as a means to get by. And while this is unfortunately a common story, the good...
Residential Rehab in Florida

Residential Rehab in Florida

Throughout the years, our residential rehab staff at Heroes’ Mile has helped countless individuals like you recover from issues with substance abuse. But what exactly are the benefits of residential rehab for individuals? Whether you struggle with alcohol addiction,...
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