Is It a Hangover? Fever, Nausea, and Pain After Alcohol

Is It a Hangover? Fever, Nausea, and Pain After Alcohol

Alcohol is the most common intoxicant across the world, having a long history of usage in nearly every human culture. Subsequently, feeling sick after drinking is one of the most common ailments in human history, and most people have experienced the dreaded hangover...
Signs of Addiction: Spotting Veteran Substance Use Disorders

Signs of Addiction: Spotting Veteran Substance Use Disorders

There are various signs of addiction, but they can vary depending on the substance, lifestyle factors, and the mental health of the individual. For example, veterans may display different symptoms of addiction than civilians, even if they share the same addiction. For...
Being Sober After the Military: Sober Life After Service

Being Sober After the Military: Sober Life After Service

After military service, many individuals find themselves with invisible wounds of war and few healthy coping mechanisms. So instead, they often turn to alcohol or prescription medications as a means to get by. And while this is unfortunately a common story, the good...
Alcohol and Drug Withdrawal Symptoms Before Detox

Alcohol and Drug Withdrawal Symptoms Before Detox

Without a proper detox center, alcohol and drug withdrawal symptoms can make recovery seem impossible. If you’re detoxing from drugs or alcohol, that means that your body has come to rely on these addictive substances. And even if you’re ready to quit,...
Inpatient vs. Outpatient Drug Rehab: What’s Best For You?

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Drug Rehab: What’s Best For You?

If you are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you might be looking for guidance on the different types of treatment that could help you. Some treatment facilities offer both outpatient treatment as well as an inpatient program. But which is best for...
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