Why Avoidance Coping Is Common Among Individuals

Why Avoidance Coping Is Common Among Individuals

Avoidance coping is a common survival technique for individuals who have endured psychological stress. You may shut off in response to unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Maybe you avoid places that remind you of your time deployed. While these acts of self-preservation...
How Blackout Drinking Uniquely Affects Veterans

How Blackout Drinking Uniquely Affects Veterans

Dealing with military-related trauma, whether it’s PTSD, combat trauma, or sexual trauma, may be too much to handle on your own. Often, veterans feel that they have to rely on alcohol to cope with the invisible wounds of war. And among veterans, unhealthy habits, like...
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Most people develop habits as a way of dealing with stress. These are called coping mechanisms, and they help individuals get through difficult situations. Unfortunately, many of these habits are negative ones, and simply allow people to avoid the issue at hand....
How Long Can a Hangover Last?

How Long Can a Hangover Last?

Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the population. People may abuse alcohol because they are suffering from mental illness or having difficulties adjusting to civilian life. Given that so many servicemembers abuse alcohol, many are likely to suffer from...
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