
Drug Detox Florida – Addiction Treatment Options

When you're going through withdrawals and need a drug detox, Florida has a host of options available. And that's good, because drug abuse continues to be a big problem for our Florida community. In Florida, there were 4,698 deaths due to drug overdoses in 2018,...

Veteran's drug detox Florida

Military Alcohol Rehab: What to Expect

For military veterans and active duty members, seeking help for issues like addiction isn’t always easy. However, too many veterans suffer from physical and mental health consequences when they do not receive treatment. This is why it is so important for you to...

military alcohol rehab

Veteran Drug Rehab: Finding Help for Veterans

Substance use disorders are incredibly common in veterans. This is especially true for veterans who are struggling to return to civilian life and/or struggling with mental health disorders, like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Using drugs and alcohol to...

Veteran Drug Rehab Finding Help For Veterans

Florida Alcohol Detox: Starting Long-Term Sobriety

In Florida, alcohol detox is a cornerstone of alcohol treatment. At our alcohol rehab in DeLand, Florida, we help veterans struggling with alcohol addiction to get the help they need. And that means providing everything from alcohol detox to residential treatment...

Florida alcohol detox

Finding a Veteran Rehab Near Me

If you are one of the thousands of veterans around DeLand, Florida who has been impacted by drug or alcohol addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other invisible wounds of war, you might not know where to start when it comes to seeking treatment....

veteran rehab near me

Alcohol and Drug Withdrawal Symptoms Before Detox

Without a proper detox center, alcohol and drug withdrawal symptoms can make recovery seem impossible. If you're detoxing from drugs or alcohol, that means that your body has come to rely on these addictive substances. And even if you're ready to quit, your body...

drug withdrawal symptoms

20 Veteran Quotes to Uplift Veterans

For civilians, it can be easy to forget the sacrifices that veterans make. And for veterans, it may feel like the world does not appreciate what you've gone through. As a drug and alcohol rehab run for and by veterans, we want to share the best veteran quotes to...

20 Veteran Quotes To Uplift Veterans

DoD Report Shows Veterans Need Mental Health Care

A new report from the United States Department of Defense (DoD) indicates that thousands of military personnel and their families may not have access to proper mental health care. After an internal audit spearheaded by the DoD Inspector General, it's clear that...

veteran ptsd treatment

National Suicide Prevention Month: What Veterans Should Know

Did you know that September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day? In fact, we get more than one day or even one National Suicide Prevention Week—the whole of September is National Suicide Prevention Month. During this month, mental health professionals and...

suicide prevention awareness month

How Coronavirus Affects Veterans Like Nobody Else

The world around us has slowed down since early March, and the coronavirus pandemic is still affecting all facets of life. While everyone can feel these impacts in different ways, veterans are uniquely affected by COVID-19. Not physically, of course, but in the...

veterans affected by coronavirus
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