How to Stop Rumination in Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress
Sometimes, the best thing you can do is let things go. But for veterans dealing with rumination, they find themselves stuck in patterns of repeating the same thoughts. And most of the time, these thoughts contain harmful memories or beliefs that can disrupt their mental health, weaken their relationships, and even lead to substance abuse.
Today, we’ll discuss these recurring negative thoughts and the damage they can do to military personnel. More importantly, we’ll cover what people who ruminate can do to move on and stop ruminating.
What Is Ruminating?
When veterans ruminate, they get stuck in cycles of repeating the same negative thoughts over and over. In many cases, these ruminative thoughts accompany signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is because military-related trauma can cause psychological damage, especially for combat veterans. In cases like this, veterans often re-live their trauma, sometimes with visual or auditory flashbacks, and sometimes by ruminating on it.
Not only is this experience unpleasant, but it can have disastrous effects on mental health. Being unable to move on from traumatic experiences can worsen veterans’ relationships and exacerbate symptoms of depression and anxiety. In some cases, ruminative thoughts may even lead to eating disorders. For all of these reasons, it’s imperative that ruminating veterans get help immediately.
The exact reasons that people ruminate vary from person to person. In clinical psychology, mental health professionals attribute rumination to a variety of causes, such as:
For many veterans, it can be hard to accept that they cannot fix or undo their traumatic experiences. Ruminating is often an attempt to exert control on the situation by finding new insight into what happened, but this rarely happens. More often, veterans with PTSD ruminate without any new realizations and find themselves trapped by their past experiences.
Because rumination often leaves veterans feeling miserable or anxious, many turn to drugs and alcohol to cope. This in turn leads to new problems related to their addictions, creating a vicious cycle that can be difficult to escape. Thankfully, however, there are proven ways to escape rumination and the problems that it creates.
How to Stop Ruminating
Because ruminating keeps you in the same thought and behavioral patterns, the best thing that you can do is make a distinct change. There are a few different ways that you may want to do that, including:
All of these are proven, evidence-based ways to stop ruminating. But sometimes, negative thoughts are just too strong and veterans need additional help. This is especially common if ruminating and post-traumatic stress have led to other problems, such as alcohol or drug abuse. In cases like this, you will need intensive treatment for veterans.
In her talk, Ms. Jovita Serrao emphasizes the need to give heartbreak the same amount of time for healing as one would give for physical pain and focuses on the importance of letting go. She also discusses the different types of heartbreaks and underlines the necessity of self-love.
This technique can help us overcome the obstacles that get in the way of achieving our goals [including ones that have to do with emotional regulation]. For example, not getting so angry that you blow up or not going down the rabbit hole of rumination and despair.