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CPTSD vs PTSD: A Veteran’s Guide to the PTSD Meaning

October 4, 2023


One of the most common confusions when it comes to discussing trauma recovery is the difference between CPTSD vs PTSD. Both Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are mental health conditions stemming from exposure to traumatic events.

However, in the debate of CPTSD vs PTSD, it’s crucial to understand that CPTSD is generally caused by long-term, chronic exposure to traumatic situations, often occurring in childhood. In contrast, PTSD can result from a single, acute event or a short-lived series of events.

The symptoms in both cases can overlap. However, when discussing CPTSD vs PTSD, it’s important to note that CPTSD includes additional symptoms like emotional dysregulation and negative self-perception.

If you’re trying to understand the nuances between CPTSD vs PTSD, consulting a mental health professional for a diagnosis and tailored treatment plan is vital.

PTSD Meaning

Ptsd Meaning

PTSD Meaning

This section explores key facets of PTSD, including its medical definition, symptoms, and status under the ADA. We’ll also cover the DSM 5 criteria used for diagnosis and available treatment options. Our aim is to equip veterans and their loved ones with the essential knowledge to make informed decisions about therapy and care.

What does PTSD stand for?

In medical terms, PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This condition arises after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or highly disturbing event. PTSD is more than just experiencing stress or difficulty coping after a traumatic situation; it is a psychiatric disorder with specific criteria for diagnosis.

Understanding what PTSD stands for is the first step toward recognizing its impact, both psychologically and emotionally. This sets the foundation for exploring available therapy options, including inpatient treatment facilities specialized for veterans.

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The disorder is marked by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, often accompanied by uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

In chronic cases, these symptoms persist for an extended period, sometimes lasting for months or even years after the event. This long-lasting impact can interfere with daily functioning, including work performance and interpersonal relationships.

It’s worth noting that while PTSD can affect anyone who has been through a traumatic event, it is especially prevalent among veterans. The unique stresses of military service and combat exposure can heighten the risk of developing the condition.

Is PTSD a disability?

PTSD is considered a psychiatric disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This classification means that individuals with PTSD are entitled to reasonable accommodations in the workplace, among other protections.

However, it’s important to note that not all cases of PTSD result in permanent disability. The severity and duration of symptoms can vary widely among individuals. Some may experience improvement with appropriate treatment and lifestyle changes. Others may have chronic symptoms that lead to long-term disability.

For veterans, disability benefits related to PTSD are available. Qualification depends on a variety of factors including symptom severity and the impact on daily life.

What are the 17 symptoms of PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental health condition that manifests in a variety of ways. Veterans often experience a specific set of 17 symptoms. The symptoms are grouped into four distinct clusters: Intrusion, Avoidance, Negative Alterations in Cognitions and Mood, and Alterations in Arousal and Reactivity.

Recognizing these symptoms is the first step toward understanding and treating PTSD effectively. Below are the 17 primary symptoms, each illustrated with examples relevant to veterans:

Intrusion Symptoms

  1. Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive memories: A veteran can’t stop thinking about a difficult experience, even during family dinners.
  2. Traumatic nightmares: A veteran wakes up sweating and panicked from dreams related to their service.
  3. Dissociative reactions where the event is relived: While driving, a veteran suddenly feels as if they’re back in a tense situation overseas.
  4. Intense, prolonged distress after exposure to reminders: Loud noises make a veteran jump and feel anxious for hours afterward.
  5. Noticeable physiological reactivity after exposure to trauma-related stimuli: A veteran trembles and their heart races when they hear a helicopter overhead.

Avoidance Symptoms

  1. Avoiding distressing thoughts or feelings: A veteran avoids talking about their deployments, even when asked.
  2. Avoidance of external reminders of trauma: A veteran refuses to watch war movies or news about military conflicts.

Negative Alterations in Cognitions and Mood

  1. Inability to recall key details of the  event: A veteran can’t remember certain details of a challenging mission they were involved in.
  2. Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs: A veteran thinks they’re a failure and that no one can be trusted.
  3. Distorted blame of self or others: A veteran blames themselves for a mission gone wrong, even though it was beyond their control.
  4. Continued negative emotional state: A veteran feels hopeless and detached most of the time.
  5. Diminished interest in significant activities: A veteran no longer enjoys hobbies that used to bring them joy.
  6. Feeling alienated from others: A veteran feels disconnected, even when surrounded by loved ones.
  7. Constricted affect: persistent inability to experience positive emotions: A veteran finds little or no joy in life’s usual pleasures.

Alterations in Arousal and Reactivity

  1. Irritable or aggressive behavior: A veteran snaps at their spouse over minor issues.
  2. Hypervigilance: A veteran constantly scans their environment for threats, even at home.
  3. Exaggerated startle response: A sudden noise makes a veteran jump out of their seat.

Understanding these symptoms through the lens of real-world examples can aid in the early identification of PTSD, leading to timely and effective therapeutic interventions.

PTSD DSM 5 Indicators

In addition to the 17 primary symptoms, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) specifies additional criteria for diagnosing PTSD:

Criterion A: Stressor

Exposure to death, threatened death, actual or threatened serious injury, or actual or threatened sexual violence.

Criterion F: Duration

Symptoms must last for more than one month.

Criterion G: Functional Significance

Symptoms must create distress or functional impairment, such as in social or occupational settings.

Criterion H: Exclusion

Symptoms must not be the result of medication, substance abuse, or other illness.

These indicators, along with the 17 primary symptoms, serve as the diagnostic framework for PTSD, making it crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment planning.

Does PTSD Go Away?

PTSD is often a long-lasting condition, but it’s important to note that it can vary in severity over time. Some individuals find relief through effective treatment plans, which often include medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

For veterans, specialized programs are available that cater to the unique experiences and needs associated with military service.

However, it’s not uncommon for symptoms to resurface, particularly during stressful times or after encountering triggers. Therefore, while PTSD may become more manageable, it often requires ongoing attention and care.

PTSD Treatment

When it comes to PTSD, one size doesn’t fit all, and effective treatment often requires a multi-faceted approach customized to the individual’s needs.

Medication is a common starting point for alleviating acute symptoms. Antidepressants like SSRIs and SNRIs, as well as anti-anxiety medications, can be prescribed to help regulate mood and reduce the severity of symptoms such as flashbacks and nightmares. It’s important to consult healthcare providers for a proper diagnosis and medication plan.

Treatment centers play a pivotal role, particularly those that specialize in treating veterans. These facilities often provide a combination of psychotherapies tailored to the individual. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Prolonged Exposure (PE) are some of the therapies commonly used. Group therapy sessions offer peer support and a platform to share experiences, which can be therapeutic in itself.

A comprehensive treatment plan will often involve lifestyle changes and coping strategies beyond medication and therapy. Exercise, mindfulness techniques, and stress management strategies can serve as valuable adjuncts to medical treatment.

For veterans, the importance of a support network cannot be overstated. Family, friends, and fellow service members can offer invaluable emotional support. Some treatment centers also provide vocational rehabilitation and skills training as part of a holistic approach to recovery.

Ongoing care and follow-up are essential components of a successful treatment trajectory. Treatment plans are typically dynamic and may require adjustments over time, especially if symptoms resurface or evolve.

CPTSD Meaning

Cptsd Meaning

CPTSD Meaning

While PTSD is a term many are familiar with, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is less commonly understood but equally significant. CPTSD arises from prolonged exposure to traumatic events, often occurring over months or years.

Unlike PTSD, it involves a more complex set of symptoms and often requires a different approach to treatment.

What does CPTSD stand for?

CPTSD stands for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unlike PTSD, which can develop from a single or a series of traumatic events such as combat exposure, CPTSD generally arises from prolonged, repeated trauma often spanning months or years.

For veterans, this could mean extended deployments in high-stress environments, multiple tours of duty, or enduring long-term POW conditions.

Outside of military experience, this form of trauma could also involve emotional abuse, ongoing domestic violence, or long-term caregiving for a severely ill loved one.

Understanding the “complex” nature of CPTSD is crucial for both diagnosis and treatment, which often differ from the approaches used for PTSD.

What is CPTSD?

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is more than a set of stress responses; it’s a condition that leaves a lasting imprint on both the brain and behavior. For veterans who’ve been through prolonged periods of severe stress or conflict, the disorder can alter neural pathways, making emotional regulation particularly challenging.

Additionally, CPTSD often affects interpersonal relationships, leading to trust issues and difficulties in forming meaningful connections with others.

Is CPTSD a disability?

In the context of veterans, CPTSD is recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs as a form of disability. It’s often grouped under the broader category of PTSD for simplification.

Being labeled as a disability means that veterans with CPTSD may be eligible for benefits and services that can assist in treatment and improve quality of life. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), mental health conditions like CPTSD can qualify as disabilities if they significantly limit one or more major life activities.

However, each case is evaluated individually, and a diagnosis alone doesn’t automatically qualify one for disability benefits.

What are the symptoms of CPTSD?

CPTSD symptoms are more complex and diverse, affecting a range of life areas including emotional regulation, consciousness, interpersonal relations, and self-perception. For veterans, these symptoms may develop differently due to the unique stressors and experiences they’ve encountered.

Emotional Regulation

Mood Swings: A veteran may experience unpredictable mood changes, oscillating between emotional highs and lows.

Chronic Sadness: Persistent feelings of emptiness or hopelessness can become overwhelming.

Anger: Intense, uncontrollable bursts of anger or irritability without a clear trigger.


Disassociation: Periods where they feel detached from their thoughts, feelings, or actions.

Flashbacks: Sudden, intense reliving of past traumatic events.

Interpersonal Relations

Trust Issues: A wariness towards new people, or even familiar ones, making relationships difficult.

Social Isolation: A tendency to avoid social gatherings or withdraw from friends and family.


Low Self-Esteem: Feeling worthless or flawed in some fundamental way.

Shame or Guilt: Persistent, exaggerated feelings of responsibility for the traumatic events.

Physical Symptoms

Chronic Fatigue: Constant tiredness or exhaustion that doesn’t improve with rest.

Unexplained Pain: Physical aches or pains without a clear medical reason.

CPTSD DSM 5 Indicators

Complex PTSD, unlike standard PTSD, is not yet officially recognized in the DSM-5. However, it is widely discussed in the psychological community, and a diagnostic criterion has been proposed. The proposed criteria focus on similar but more extended features compared to PTSD, involving aspects such as affective dysregulation, negative self-concept, and interpersonal problems.

For veterans, the proposed criteria can offer a framework for understanding their symptoms, even if CPTSD is not officially recognized. Given that the understanding and recognition of CPTSD are evolving, it’s essential for veterans to consult healthcare professionals for a comprehensive diagnosis.

CPTSD Treatment

Treatment for Complex PTSD, especially for veterans, often requires a multidisciplinary approach that involves medication, specialized treatment centers, and individualized treatment plans. Antidepressants and antianxiety medications can be useful in managing symptoms, but they are typically part of a broader treatment strategy.

For more focused and intensive care, specialized centers like Heroes’ Mile offer comprehensive services designed with the veteran community in mind. Within these settings, healthcare providers coordinate a personalized treatment plan that may involve psychotherapy methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

In more severe cases of CPTSD, inpatient treatment might be recommended for intensive therapy and close monitoring. But outpatient options are also available for veterans who can manage symptoms with less supervision. Regardless of the setting, support groups are often a valuable component of the treatment landscape, providing a space for veterans to share experiences and coping strategies.

Emerging therapies tailored to the unique needs of veterans, like trauma-sensitive yoga or art therapy, are also being integrated into treatment plans. These complementary therapies aim to help veterans build emotional regulation skills and improve interpersonal effectiveness.

CPTSD vs PTSD: What are the Differences?

While PTSD and CPTSD share several overlapping symptoms and treatment approaches, they are distinct conditions with unique diagnostic criteria and impact. Here, we outline the key differences between the two, especially as they relate to veterans.

Origin of Trauma: PTSD often arises from a single or short-term traumatic event, like a combat situation. CPTSD, on the other hand, usually stems from prolonged or repeated trauma.

Emotional Regulation: CPTSD often includes challenges with emotional regulation, which are generally less prominent in PTSD.

Self-Perception: Veterans with CPTSD may struggle with a distorted self-perception, frequently viewing themselves as powerless or worthless. This is less common in PTSD.

Interpersonal Relationships: Those suffering from CPTSD often have more pronounced difficulties in maintaining relationships and may experience challenges with trust and intimacy.

Treatment Complexity: Due to the extended nature of the trauma and additional symptoms like difficulty in relationships or self-perception, treatment plans for CPTSD are often more complex and may require a multi-disciplinary approach.

Understanding these differences is crucial for veterans and their loved ones to seek the most effective treatment and support.

CPTSD vs PTSD: Addiction and the Interconnected Struggle

Understanding the relationship between CPTSD vs PTSD and addiction is crucial for effective treatment. Both conditions often co-occur with substance abuse, creating a cycle that exacerbates each issue.

Why Addiction Occurs

Individuals with CPTSD or PTSD may turn to alcohol, drugs, or other addictive behaviors as a coping mechanism. This self-medication can temporarily alleviate symptoms but ultimately worsens the underlying conditions.

The Impact on Treatment

Addiction complicates the treatment of CPTSD and PTSD. It’s essential to address both the trauma and the substance abuse in a coordinated manner for effective healing. Dual diagnosis programs, which treat mental health disorders alongside addiction, are often the most effective.

Breaking the Cycle

Understanding the nuances between CPTSD vs PTSD can help tailor treatment plans. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and medication like SSRIs are often recommended for both, but additional treatments like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) may be suggested based on the specific diagnosis.

By recognizing the interconnectedness between CPTSD vs PTSD and addiction, patients, healthcare providers, and loved ones can better target the root causes and break the cycle of co-occurring disorders.

What is a PTSD Fracture?

A PTSD fracture isn’t a specific type of fracture, but rather refers to the higher likelihood of experiencing a broken bone if you have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. People with PTSD are 1.7 times more likely to have a fracture than those without the condition.

Why Does This Happen?: Stress from PTSD can negatively affect bone strength. The disorder also impacts how well our bodies use calcium, a key element for strong bones.

Bad Habits: Many people with PTSD smoke, which further weakens bones and raises the risk of fractures.

Who is Most at Risk?: Older adults with PTSD, especially those over 60, have a higher risk for certain types of fractures, like those in the spine.

What We Don’t Know: The studies we have are not perfect and don’t account for all variables, such as medication use that might affect bone health.

Understanding this increased risk can help healthcare providers take better care of their PTSD patients, both mentally and physically.

PSTD vs CPTSD: A Brief History

The terms PTSD and CPTSD might seem similar, but they have key differences that trace back to their historical definitions. PTSD has been well-known for decades. It was initially called “shell shock” during World War I and was recognized as a psychological response to traumatic events.

CPTSD is a more recent term that emerged to describe prolonged or repeated exposure to trauma. Unlike PTSD, which can be triggered by a single event, CPTSD often results from ongoing stressors, such as child abuse, domestic violence, or long-term combat situations.

While PTSD gained mainstream attention after the Vietnam War, CPTSD has slowly gained recognition, especially in the realms of child psychology and domestic abuse counseling. The two are similar but are distinguished by the nature, duration, and complexity of the traumatic events that trigger them.

Understanding the history and differences between PTSD and CPTSD is crucial for appropriate diagnosis and treatment, especially for veterans who may experience symptoms of both.


If you or someone you care for is a veteran and you suspect PTSD may be an issue, consider these questions as a starting point to determine whether professional help should be sought. Please note that this is not a diagnostic tool but rather a guide for understanding the need for medical consultation.

  1. Do you or your loved one relive traumatic events, possibly through flashbacks or nightmares?
  2. Is there a constant feeling of being on edge or overly alert?
  3. Are you or the person you’re concerned about avoiding situations or places that bring back traumatic memories?
  4. Have you or they experienced a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable?
  5. Are you noticing changes in sleeping patterns, like insomnia or sleeping too much?
  6. Is there a significant change in mood or behavior? Perhaps increased irritability or emotional numbness?

If any of these resonate with you or your loved one, it’s imperative to consult a healthcare provider. Only a qualified professional can diagnose PTSD and suggest an appropriate treatment plan.

PSTD vs CPTSD: Next Steps

If you find that you or someone you care for identifies with symptoms of PTSD, seeking professional help is crucial. Here’s why Heroes’ Mile could be the right choice for you or your veteran loved one:

  • Tailored Veteran Experience: The center is staffed by military personnel who understand the specific challenges faced by veterans, creating an environment of trust and shared experiences.
  • Holistic Treatment Plans: Heroes’ Mile focuses on getting to the root cause of addiction and trauma, often related to PTSD or MST, offering a wide range of therapies from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Art Therapy and more.
  • Support Network: With a “We Have Your Six” mentality, you’re not just a number at Heroes’ Mile; you’re part of a community that understands the battles you’re fighting.
  • Multi-Faceted Programs: From physical fitness and recovery to nutrition education, the center provides a comprehensive treatment experience designed by veterans for veterans.
  • Ease of Access: To learn more or initiate the admission process, simply call an admission specialist at 1-888-VET-NOW2.
  • Guided Path to Recovery: Their mission is to help you or your loved one not just survive but thrive, using tried-and-true methods understood best by those who have served.

Remember, while this guide serves as a starting point, Heroes’ Mile offers a tailored, understanding environment to treat PTSD effectively, and only a qualified healthcare provider can make a proper diagnosis.



  1. What is the main difference between PTSD and CPTSD?
    PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) typically develops after a single traumatic event, while CPTSD (Complex PTSD) results from prolonged, repeated trauma, such as combat exposure, childhood abuse, or captivity. CPTSD includes additional symptoms like emotional dysregulation and difficulty maintaining relationships.
  2. Why are veterans at higher risk for PTSD and CPTSD?
    Veterans often experience high-stress environments, repeated exposure to life-threatening situations, and prolonged deployments, which increase their risk for PTSD and CPTSD. The military culture of resilience can also make it harder for veterans to seek help.
  3. What are the common symptoms of PTSD and CPTSD in veterans?
    Both conditions share symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, and hypervigilance. Veterans with CPTSD may also struggle with deep emotional numbness, difficulty trusting others, and persistent negative self-perceptions.
  4. How is PTSD or CPTSD treated in a behavioral hospital setting?
    Treatment typically includes trauma-focused therapies like Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and prolonged exposure therapy. Medications and group therapy with other veterans may also be beneficial.
  5. Can PTSD and CPTSD be cured, or just managed?
    While there is no outright cure, PTSD and CPTSD can be effectively managed with the right combination of therapy, medication, and coping strategies. Many veterans regain control of their lives with professional treatment and ongoing support.


A PTSD fracture isn’t a specific type of fracture, but rather refers to the higher likelihood of experiencing a broken bone if you have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. People with PTSD are 1.7 times more likely to have a fracture than those without the condition.

Why Does This Happen?: Stress from PTSD can negatively affect bone strength. The disorder also impacts how well our bodies use calcium, a key element for strong bones.

Bad Habits: Many people with PTSD smoke, which further weakens bones and raises the risk of fractures.

Who is Most at Risk?: Older adults with PTSD, especially those over 60, have a higher risk for certain types of fractures, like those in the spine.

What We Don’t Know: The studies we have are not perfect and don’t account for all variables, such as medication use that might affect bone health.

Understanding this increased risk can help healthcare providers take better care of their PTSD patients, both mentally and physically.

Symptoms of CPTSD include those associated with PTSD (such as flashbacks, avoidance, and hyperarousal) along with additional symptoms like emotional dysregulation, persistent negative beliefs about oneself, difficulties in relationships, a preoccupation with the perpetrator, and a sense of hopelessness about finding relief or a resolution.

CPTSD can be considered a disability in some contexts, especially when its symptoms are debilitating and interfere with an individual’s ability to function in everyday life. As with PTSD, those affected by CPTSD may be eligible for disability benefits if they can demonstrate that their condition limits their capacity to work.

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is a condition that results from enduring complex trauma, typically prolonged, repetitive experiences of entrapment, neglect, or abuse, particularly in childhood. CPTSD encompasses a range of symptoms that extend beyond those of PTSD, including difficulties with emotional regulation, consciousness, and self-perception, as well as interpersonal problems.

CPTSD stands for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

PTSD is a chronic condition that may not completely go away, but its symptoms can be managed effectively with the right treatment and support. Therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes can help reduce the impact of symptoms and improve quality of life. Some individuals may experience a significant reduction in symptoms over time, while others may need ongoing management strategies.

The 17 symptoms of PTSD, categorized into four groups, are: Intrusive memories (flashbacks, nightmares, reliving the event, distress at reminders), avoidance (avoiding thoughts or feelings, avoiding reminders), negative changes in thinking and mood (negative thoughts about oneself or others, hopelessness, memory problems, difficulty maintaining close relationships, feeling detached, lack of interest in activities, difficulty experiencing positive emotions), and changes in physical and emotional reactions (being easily startled, always being on guard, self-destructive behavior, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, irritability, angry outbursts, overwhelming guilt or shame).

PTSD can be classified as a disability, especially when its symptoms are severe enough to significantly impair an individual’s ability to function in daily life. In many countries, including the United States, individuals with PTSD can qualify for disability benefits if they can demonstrate that their condition prevents them from maintaining gainful employment.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by witnessing or experiencing a terrifying event. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. PTSD can disrupt daily life and functioning, making it difficult for individuals to cope with their daily responsibilities and social relationships.

PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

CPTSD often originates from prolonged, repetitive trauma experienced in childhood, such as abuse, neglect, or living in a war-torn region. Childhood is a formative time, and trauma during this period can deeply affect an individual’s development, leading to complex post-traumatic stress disorder in adulthood.

The 17 symptoms of complex PTSD can include: flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of trauma reminders, negative thoughts about oneself or the world, distorted feelings like guilt or blame, loss of interest in activities, detachment from others, inability to experience positive emotions, irritability, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle response, concentration problems, sleep disturbances, self-destructive behavior, issues with trust and intimacy, persistent sadness or hopelessness, and physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches.

A CPTSD episode may manifest as a severe psychological reaction that can mimic an intense PTSD flashback, coupled with feelings of hopelessness, shame, or despair. Individuals may experience a loss of control over their emotions, leading to sudden bouts of anger, sadness, or fear. Dissociation or feeling detached from reality is also common. These episodes can be triggered by reminders of past trauma and may result in a withdrawal from social interactions and a disruption in daily functioning.

Complex PTSD (CPTSD) differs from PTSD primarily in its origins and symptoms. While PTSD typically results from a single traumatic event, CPTSD develops due to prolonged or repeated trauma over months or years, often in situations where the victim is under the control of the perpetrator. CPTSD includes all the symptoms of PTSD along with additional issues such as difficulty with emotional regulation, an altered sense of the perpetrator (which may include a preoccupation with revenge or giving the perpetrator power), and a distorted self-concept.


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